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About Us

TRIO Maryland is a non-profit membership organization working to improve the quality of life for transplant recipients, candidates and their families. Donor families and others interested in transplant may also join. By sharing personal experiences, chapter members complement the counseling provided by healthcare professionals.

TRIO’s symbol is the Tree of Life.  With its intertwining branches, it represents the intertwining of the lives of two human beings, the donor and the recipient, through the Gift of Life.  Green the color of growth and new life, was chosen for the tree to reinforce the new beginning transplantation gives to the recipient.

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Quote Section

Albert Einstein

“There are two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.”

– Albert Einstein.

Transplant Recipient

"Great Informative meeting, Lots of Good Information Learned"

– Transplant Recipient.

Transplant Recipient

"Keep up the Great Work"

– Transplant Recipient.

Transplant Professional

"We are so appreciative for the incredible support you provide to the Transplant Community"

– Transplant Professional

3 boxes


We are working to improve the quality of life for transplant recipients, candidates, and their families.

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Keep up to date with the latest TRIO news, updates, and tips via our social media channels. Make sure to follow us!



Support TRIO

Every dollar counts and generous donations from our supporters will help us provide resources for transplant patients and caregivers.

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